From the desk of the Chief Editor:
Greetings from Shristi, a Digital Monthly Newsletter from SIAWED!
We are immensely grateful to the overwhelming support extended to our initiative in promoting student participation in journalism.
Our idea behind publishing SHRISTI, as the tag line goes, is to be the voice of the voiceless. Student power is something we all enjoy during a short
Span of our life time. But what we can accomplish in such short span is a harbinger of our life’s success!
To add up to our strength, SHRISTI is expanding our editorial board to include student volunteers as interns from different educational institutions across the state.
The students will gain first hand experience in journalism, exhibit their talents in bringing out articles, conduct competitions, business quizzes, co ordinate with students and
Faculties, organise community outreach programs and help promoting women empowerment by joining hands with SIAWED.
SIAWED entering into the 10th year of its inception, is now more focussed in bringing out successful business projects to the lime light and encourage the aspiring entrepreneurs
To venture into their dreams with our continuous hand holding support.
Our team of advisors and consultants will help you in successful execution of your dream projects into a reality.
For more details about business project reports in manufacturing or service industry, please do write to us at vanadhi@siawed.org along with preferred industry segment and investment outlay.
We have more than 1500 project reports available with varying investment outlays and we provide mentoring support for execution and availing subsidies under various schemes.
I once again thank the subscribers for your continuous encouragement and support!
With very best wishes from
T. Vanadhi Devi
Chief Editor – SHRISTI
Founder President – SIAWED
Email : vanadhi@siawed.org
Whatsapp : 99406 66603